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Who Am I

About Lindsay:

For most of my life, I loved drawing but never realized I had any “true” artistic talents. I spent all of my professional life in the Finance world, never imagining I had a hidden passion for creating true art.

On New Year’s Day of 2015, I was inspired to invest time on the things I had always set aside. My first attempt at this was to really commit to practicing and experimenting with pencil drawing. This was the beginning of all the fun.

I do not have any formal art training but only the purest desire to connect within and express this through my art. I started practicing from photographs as my frame of reference as a form of self-entertainment. The response from friends and family members who spurred the encouragement to do larger and detailed pieces was overwhelming.

Bridal Glow edited.jpg
Portrait of Achilles.jpg

Thereafter, I received a proposal for my first request from a friend, to memorialize her deceased pet. I was apprehensive at first because all of my previous work was only for personal pleasure. When the piece was completed, I was amazed by how the owner reacted with such appreciation and joy. This was a defining moment for me and it made me realize I had the ability to memorialize some of the most precious moments in someone’s life. I embraced my desire for portrait art and began working on commissioned pieces.

I want my art to be inspirational, purposeful, to tell a story and at times depict special moments in lives. I live through my art pieces and aspire to invoke those authentic feelings by virtue of my portrait artworks.

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